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Shady Sands (Revisited)

Talk to Seth.  Yes you are the hero of the day!  The only good scorpion
is a rad, er, dead scorpion.  While you are shooting the shit with him,
barter the rope out of him.  Offer him anything.  I normally offer stimpaks
as they are somewhat valueable ($100), and I rarely use them.

Visit the local healer -- he's in the southwest house.  If it's night, he'll
still heal you if you're poisoned, etc.  Make sure he gets a tail and you'll
get an antidote.  I unloaded all the tails here for antidotes until night
came and the fucker refused to deal with me.  What the hell?  You don't need
sleep man, you're not even real!  Fucker.

Walk around and talk to everybody and search all the cabinets/desks.  You'll
find a few books and some other useful stuff.

Make sure to talk to the gardener.  In my first game I was able to give him
advice about his crop planting and got 1000 xp.  In the second game this
didn't happen and I have no idea why.  I had more IN and LK.  Go figure.

Talk to your buddy Ian and ask about Junktown and Hub.  They will now appear
on your world bar.

Exit the village of the damned.

Vault 15 (Optional)

There is really no reason to go here.  It's a total waste of time.  There's
nothing good to find here, nothing to see here, move along, move along...

Anyways, if you do decide you want to visit this dump, take 2, that's TWO
ropes.  The faq I read said 1 rope and I had to make a special trip to get
another rope -- weak.


This place is called Hub for a good reason -- alot of shit going down in
this hood.  It also has alot of merchant shops that will be more than happy
to rob you blind.

Downtown (straight down from entrance)

Find out the cause of the trading caravans disappearing (talk to merchants,
they will complain about it eventually; you will also be informed of
Necropolis, Boneyard and Brotherhood of Steel locations).

Talk to Butch, the leader of Far Go Traders, he will assign you the job of
finding out about the lost caravans. Ask him about the DeathClaw, then go
talk to Beth.

Beth runs the weapons shop here in Downtown.  Now that you're working for
Butch, she will give you a 15% discount (or so she says.)

At the General Store you can pick up a rope if you don't have one.  He also
has some rad-away packs.

AFTER you have talked to the Thieves Guild in oldtown, go to the night club
and talk to Kane until he lets you in.  God, the faq I read didn't mention
going to the theives guild, so I ASSumed that I had to kill Kane to see
Dekker.  After using 2 plasma grenades on Kane, Dekker had a warm welcome
for me...  Do NOT kill Kane (that's if you even CAN kill him -- he's badass.)
Anyways, after talking to Kane "the right way", Dekker will hire you to dispose
of a merchant who lives in the Heights.  He will give you $500 upfront! Accept
the job and run straight to the cops (also in Downtown.)  Spill your guts to
the sherrif and he will ask you to help him take Dekker down.  Agree and get
your $300 upfront.  DO NOT go with him yet as you are not ready.  I tried and
couldn't do it, not even with 2 plasma grenades since my throwing skill left
something to be desired and Kane is one badass street fighting mother fucker.

AFTER you've picked up the 2 plasma grenades from Oldtown, you can take out
the FLC money lender guards.  Stand a few steps away from one of the guards,
get everything ready, and SAVE your game.  Then throw the 2 plasma grens at
the guard.  You'll need both of them to hit him in order for him to die
in one "round".  Keep loading the game until it happens, then you and Ian
can doubleteam the other guard.  MAKE SURE you don't hit that old man
walking around or else the cops will be after your ass and you'll be dead
quick.  When the 2 guards are dead, enter the shop and kill Loraine or
whoever the fuck the chick is inside.  Pick the door to the safe and take
all the good loot!  There's enough money here to purchase the needed supplies
for your trip to the Glow.  You can also do this part a bit differently and
talk to the chick before you kill the guards.  Keep borrowing/paying back
loans until you have a good loan (I stopped at 1k).  Then let the carnage
begin and you'll have an extra 1k -- the safe doesn't seem to be affected
by any prior loans.

Oldtown (middle right exit point of Downtown)

There is a group of thugs holding a Brotherhood of Steel initiate prisoner in
the first house south of your entry point.  You are not ready to deal with
these people at the present time -- believe me, I tried.  I tried using 2
plasma grenades, etc.  Nothing worked.  Ian and I were shot up real quick-like.
One of the bastards is armed with a combat shotgun.

If for some unknown reason you went with the Melee Weapons skill, then you'll
EVENTUALLY want to visit Mr. Fucknut in Old Town.  He is the 2nd or 3rd
top building.  He sells the most powerful melee weapon in the game, the super
sledge.  To get it, browse his selection and then exit.  Next ask for something
that has more punch.  He'll go on and on about some other dealer.  Browse
his selection again and you'll find a bunch of new goodies, including
Galager's Hammer (Super Sledge).  Make SURE to pick up any plasma grenades --
they rock.  Keep in mind that you can get the Super Sledge for FREE from the
Brotherhood Of Steel after you complete the Glow.

The next building to your right houses a medical dealer.  Save your game and
talk to the fucker until you get the right conversation that lets you buy
shit from him.  You'll need 2 rad-ex pills and at least 3 rad-away packs.

Visit the babeling madman. He's always by the house in which Harold the mutant
lives. The madman will refuse to help you until you talk to Harold.  After you
go inside and talk to Harold, the madman will offer to take you to the
DeathClaw cave.  I recommend NOT GOING yet.  It can be done with a plasma
grenade and a bit of luck, but it is somewhat difficult.  I ended up being
the stim-taking bodybag while Ian plugged away on the beast.  If you do go,
and kill the claw (1000 xp), you will find a dying mutant who will give you a
holodisc.  Show it to Butch in Downtown for some money.

Join the thieves' circle located in the basement of one of these houses.
There are 3 bums walking around in this house and one of the rooms has a
cellar.  Head down, making sure you have at least 20-30 health.  I just
walked through the traps taking damage and picked the doors.  Talk to their
leader, he will ask you to steal the necklace from the merchant living in the
Heights (turns out that everybody is out for this poor bastard.)

Heights (bottom left exit point of Downtown)

Keep in mind that you do NOT need to do this "quest".  The reward of
electronic keypicks is not that useful and you will get one for free later
in the game...

To enter the merchant's house you will need to wait 'till it's dark and SNEAK
into it during the guards "change".  Do NOT approach the room with the 2
people inside.  If you do they will call the guards and get shot up by
blood-thirsty Ian.  Hell, the first time I did it Ian popped his wife before
I could say "  ".  The old man was pretty fast and made a good escape while
his guards dropped by for their burial.

Inside one of the rooms you will find the strongbox containing the necklace.
You need to use your TRAPS skill until you disarm the trap.  Then you can
just open it up and take the necklace.  God, the faq I read didn't even
mention this.  I was trying to pick the damn lock for days.  When that
didn't work I tried throwing grenades.  When that failed I used the dynamite
and C-4 bombs.  I finally gave up (after blowing up Ian and Tandi).  Only
in the second game did I figure it out (probably because I paid more attention
to what the head theif dude told me about the place.)

Once you have the necklace, make like flojo on steroids and get the fuck out
of that neck of the woods (basically just avoid any guards and exit that
part of the city.)  When you give it to the thieves' circle leader you will
be presented with electronic lockpicks.

Water Merchants (South of Downtown)

Talk to the water merchants about the water chip.  Take them up on the offer
to supply your vault with water for 100 days as this will give you 1000 xp.
They will also babel about the ghouls of Necropolis refusing to trade with them.

Brotherhood of Steel

Exit the Hub and click on the Brotherhood's button.

Talk to the guard on the left and take him up on his "suicide" mission to
become a member.


The Glow

Make sure you have the following:  1 rope, 2 rad-ex pills, 3 rad-away packs,
and Ian with plenty of ammo (he works best with the 14mm gun, but any of the
10mm weapons will do.)

If you need any of this stuff, stop by the Hub on your way.

After you have clicked on The Glow button on the world map, keep an eye on
your progress.  When you get close to The Glow, STOP your movement and plot
a new course to the square to the right of the Glow.  Make your destination
just a HAIR away from the GLow to your left.

It should show up as Desert.  Enter the desert.  Take the 2 rad-ex pills.
Your radiation resistance should be 100%.  Now exit and click on the Glow.

Enter the crater area.  Check your resistance.  Make SURE it's still 100%.

THIS IS VERY IMPORTANT FOLKS -- I didn't do this right and had to restart
the game which sucked dick.  It was kind of funny actually (Read my bitch
list at the end of this faq.)  Like I said there, I had already completed
everything and was all stoked because I was well on my way to the power
armor since I did the dirty deed for the Steel dudes.  I wasn't too
impressed about the weapons and loot since I had already aquired all these
badass toys in my journeys.  I didn't think the radiation would actually
KILL me.  Boy was I wrong.  I tried EVERYTHING.  I took all the rad-ex
pills I had, all the rad-away packs, etc.  I tried all my first aid/doctor
skills, etc.  No matter what I did I would DIE on the world map.  I even
got desperate and downloaded a trainer that would make you invinsible.
Didn't work against radiation I guess...  In the end I said fuck it and
decided to start again.  This time I knew I wanted to hit the Glow right
away since it's packed full of super weapons and combat armor.

Your mission here is to wander around and collect the 3 keys (yellow, red,
and blue.)  You have to give the station full power and collect all the
holodiscs and other goodies.  Not much to explain here.  Just search all
the dead bodies and lockers, etc.

When you first enter the place it looks like you can't get around the big
hole -- just click to the right and you'll skirt the edge.  At first I was
thinking that I had to use some c4 and blow some shit up (that always seems
to be in the back of my mind, but I have yet to use any c4 or dynamite.)

The ONLY thing you need to worry about are the sentry robots on level 5.
Just use the 2 "emp" grenades you find on them.  I waited until the first
wave of robots was grouped to use my first emp.  Then I did the same on
the second wave.  Pretty easy with the EMPs and pretty much impossible
without them.  Hell, I had a SPEAR!  Ian was the only one doing decent
damage all this time.  My spear/combat knife was sucking.  God I wish I
would have used my King Pimp Daddy setup.  Oh well, I made it through.

Level 5 has all the good shit.  Combat Armor to hold you over until you
get your power armor, and my main weapon of choice -- the Plasma Rifle.
Yah baby!  I loaded Ian down with all the shit I collected here.

Hub (Revisited)

Go back to the hub and finish up anything you didn't do before.  Your new
weapons will make things a cakewalk.  Gotta love that Plasma Rifle... You
need to free that Brotherhood prisioner before you head back to the
Brotherhood of Steel.

Brotherhood of Steel (Revisited)

Homeboy on the left will let you in.  The optional dialog with the first
chick you see on Level 1 is pretty amusing.  Hell, I think RPGs should
let you have sex.  Why not?  It is ROLE PLAYING, right?  Sex plays a big
role in my life and I think it should in my computer life also.  I would
also like to see "darker" sex shit, like being able to keep a sex slave,
or even rape a chick.  Why not?  Is raping worse than just killing?  On
the Satanic Brimstone scale, a rape rates only a 250 while murder rates
a full 1000 (the Brimstone Scale is (C)opyright 1998 Anthrox.)

Anyways, wander around and talk and shit.  Don't bother searching the lockers
and boxes here as you will find JACK SHIT.  Come on man, this is supposed to
be the high-tech mecca and all the lockers are fucking empty.  What's up with
that G?  There is only ONE good locker, and it's located in the medical center.
God, I broke into every room and searched everywhere, and what do I get for
my trouble?  1 locker.  ONE!  There can only be one...  Anyways.

Level 1:  Visit the T guy in the training room.  He'll offer you a choice
of weapons, all of which you already own thanks to your trip to the Glow
and the Hub.  He'll also give you some ammo and the Special Brotherhood
Combat Armor.  This armor is NOT to be confused with the Power Armor.
Power Armor rocks, this shit is waaaaay inferior.  Give it to Ian to tote
around (wish the fucker would wear the best armor in his inventory.)

Level 2:  I think this is the level with the medic that can increase your
big 5 stats, and a library where you can increase your science/computer
skill.  Do them both, of course.

Level 3:  There's some lamer working on broken Power Armor here.  Talk
to him and he'll tell you that he's missing a part, etc.

Level 4:  The elders are here.  They want you to perform yet another
quest for them, accept the quest.  After you talk to the elders you can
talk to the General or whatever he is in the center of this level (through
the door that the guards would let you pass before.)  He'll give you a
choice of weapons also.  I took the power fist for the hell of it.

Level 1:  Go to Rhombus's room.  He'll be inside his quarters this time!
Make sure you have RUN set to always in your preferences (I always do,
why walk when you can run?)  When you see Rhombus enter the bathroom area,
enter his quarters and open the locker.  Quickly grab the part and get the
hell out of there before he stops you and questions you.  This is another
good place to use the "Save/Load game until you get it fucking right" option.

God, you should have seen me trying to figure this shit out.  The faq I read
said that I would get the power armor from the dude in the training room.
I was trying crazy shit, like taking those mentant pills until my CH was 10,
then trying to sweet talk Michael into letting me have the missing part.
Michael is a motherfucker, let me tell you.  This is one of those "by the book
assholes" that I hate in real life.  Rules are merely guidelines, they aren't
something you base your fucking life on.  Get a clue!  Anyways, tried that,
tried stealing the part from Rhombus, etc.  Hell, Rhombus was always catching
my ass and kicking me out of the place.  One time I got so pissed off when
I got kicked out that I killed the 2 guards uptop then proceeded to attack
level 1.  Needless to say I didn't get to far on level 1, but at least I
showed those bastards that I wouldn't just walk away!  Bastards!

Level 3:  Take the part to the Power Armor on level 3.  The dude will throw
it in the armor and then give you some manuals and tell you, "it's all
you man, it's all you!"  I repaired the armor with 63 repair skill.  I had
just advanced a level and was keeping the skill points for just such an
occasion, but didn't need them for it after all.


Yep, put on that armor and show it off!  That's right man, I've got the power
armor too!  Funny how NOBODY comments on it.  I went and talked to Rhombus
first thing, but the fool didn't want to start any shit with me about the
armor.  Too bad, but I think he knew I'd kick his ass now that I had a
fancy suit too.

Did I mention that I REALLY hate the elevators and doors on this level?  The
fucking things keep closing on me and shit.  Wouldn't be so bad if they stayed
open for like 30 seconds instad of the 2 seconds they give you.  Fucking doors.
If I could kills doors and elevators, you KNOW there the Brotherhood would have
to fix all the shit after I left...

Shady Sands (Revisited)

Seth will tell you his ho, Tandi, has been pimped by the Raiders.  Go talk to
the town leader, Asmuther or whatever.  He'll give you a spear (yippie) and a
good pep talk!  You go girl!


Yeah I tried doing this little quest before the powersuit and it just wasn't
happening.  In my first game it was no problem since I had advanced up the
levels before encountering Garl.  The second game I kept trying to catch up
to where I left off, but I just didn't have the levels I needed which is why
I went the "get the awesome weapons and armor then" way.

Anyways, go into the main building, making sure you aren't showing off your
Plasma Rifle (these guys are REAL jumpy and get a little skittish when they
see a god walking around with a gun...)  Talk to Garl.  Tell him you've been
playing ALOT of street fighter 3 and can take his sorry ass in a 1 on 1 fight.

You'll fight unarmed, and I do mean unarmed.  Don't think you'll be able to
wear that power fist or spiked knuckles.  Nope.  But you will get to wear
your power armor -- the fucker should just throw the fight now as nothing
he does can even touch that armor.  Since I was so unskilled at unarmed
fighting it took a while.  I finally beat him and actually killed him during
the match.

At this point you can just take Tandi and leave, or you can go ahead and
raze the place.  "I want him dead, I want his family dead, and I want his
house burned to the ground." -- from one of the Segal flicks, always liked
that line...  Now that's what I call getting even.  :)

Shady Sands (Revisited)

So I just get done saving Tandi the ho and figure I'd head back to her old
man and drop her off...  Upon entering the town I am IMMEDIATELY attacked
by the pathetic inhabitants.  WTF?  I reloaded and tried entering with no
weapon in hand, but it made no difference -- these fools wanted to die!

So I gave the ingrates what they wanted -- a quick death.  I just stood
there in my Power Armor while I bullseye-targeted their eyes/heads with my
Plasma Rifle.  God, there just isn't any better gratification in this
game then to watch the enemy turn into plasma ash -- you get the death
scene in all the special effects gore you could hope for!  Their skin
melts off exposing a skeleton, then the skeleton crumbles to the ground.
Let me tell you, it's satisfying -- hell I just start shooting people
and ask questions later because this gets me so excited!

Meanwhile my boy Ian is going to town too, but the bastard chases down
some punkass kid, nailing his ass which gets me the often-saught-after-by-
phsyhos title of CHILDKILLER in my Karma stats.  I also get the CHAMPION
title after laying waste to their quaint town.  Go figure.

I went ahead and "backtracked" a few saved games and tried a few different
things, but nothing changed the outcome for me!  No matter what I did, the
village of Sandy Town had a deathwish...

I loaded up the game where I only killed Garl (the Khan's Leader) and
exited the Raider Camp.  When I exit like that, I get 450 xp for freeing
Tandi.  When I exit after making all the Raiders firm believers that I
AM A GOD (IE: placing them not-too-gently 6 feet under), I get 0 xp for
saving her ungrateful ass.  Either way it's the same coming home party.

It also doesn't matter where you enter the town -- the garden, the stables,
or the entrance -- everybody wants some.  They seem to think that you want
to take over the town -- who would want their shitty town?  If I wanted to
take something over, it would be the Brotherhood Of Steel's place -- now
THAT pad is a keeper.  Imagine bringing the chicks home to that place!
Definetely be getting some when they see your 4 level hi-tech pad.  Yep,
they would be envisioning owning half of the place, so you know they'll
be putting out to get the chance.  Anyways...

In my previous game this didn't happen, of course I didn't talk to the
elder before playing knight-in-shining-armor, so maybe that had something
to do with it.  Who knows, it could be my 2 Luck attribute also -- maybe
Satan is just forcing me to do a little extra killing.  It also could be
something I read along the way -- one of those holodiscs that Ian is
lugging around for me (after I entered them into my gameboy, of course.)

At this point I was torn -- I could keep Tandi around as the party ho,
or return her and be forced to level her hometown.  I know she is a
TOTALLY WORTHLESS fighter (half the time she's running for cover
because she's too wounded to fight -- and that's if she even lives
that long!)  But the major factor is that I can't use her as a waterboy
like Ian -- she's got to go.  In fact she's one of the first people I
kill when I take her home as she immediately goes running off screaming
for help -- ungrateful skank.

In the end I entered through the garden and killed my out of the city.
The highlight was when their leader Akdanshi, or whatever the fuck his
goofy name was, came charging out yelling that nobody was going to
take over his town...  Of course 2 seconds later when he was a smoking
pile of ash he didn't have any arguments about me taking over.

Vault 13 (Revisited -- Worthless Optional)

In my first game I wasn't able to see what kind of weapons were being
guarded in the Command Center.  My curiosity got the best of me and I
headed here after massacring Sandy Shades.

My advice to you is don't even bother going here for weapons or supplies.
After picking the lock on the door I found 3 worthless chests.  They
contained junk like:  Shotgun and shells, 10mm Pistol and shells, etc.

Hell, this stuff would BARELY be useful when you first start out!  But
if I recall correctly, I tried to re-enter the base via the map and was
only given the cave entrance option -- no other entrances like the
Command Center were given.  I think you have to visit another vault first,
like vault 15 or Glow.  Of course by the time you get back all of this stuff
would be just so much garbage to pawn off on your next barter session.

The highlight of this visit was very surprising indeed.  After being forced
to kill the guard, I went and talked to the overseer.  He said something
like, "I can't believe you turned against us!"  The game only gave me one
reply -- something like, "Yeah, I guess you'll have to find some other
sucker to do your dirty work."  Pretty fucking funny until the overseer
says, "Let's see how tough you are" and his command chair decides to play
transformers and out pops these 2 HUGE cannons that mowed Ian and I down
in 1 second!  Jesus!  What I wouldn't give for that chair!  Just imagine
what you could do when your girlfriend's fireman husband comes over to
claim his wife!  Oh yeah, now THAT'S a command chair!  Hell, plug in
a bed, toilet, and a fridge and you would never have to come down!

In the end I restrained myself from killing anybody and just talked to the
overseer.  The old man was all bent outta shape about me hiring the caravan
guys to deliver water.  Hell, does he want a MINOR security risk or does he
want to be dead?  If it wasn't for his command chair, I would have gave him
a piece of my mind right there.  Here I am busting my balls for the vault,
and this is the thanks I get?  He'd better make it up to me, or so help me
god I'm going to come back and use every drug I can take that will make
me strong enough to take his chair away from him...  If he's LUCKY the only
chair he'll be using is a wheelchair when I get done with him.  Old man...